Part 12 "Omin Mesa Saga the Telling"

    The Bounty Hunter Noba, one of the holders of Gororo's symbols, finally decides to seek out and take the rest of the symbols from his old team. He learns where the Berik S reside and begins his journey.

    Meanwhile, Golu, having found the cave that called out to him, answers the riddle it raised. He is transported to a chamber inside the Omin in the presence of the Council.

    Golu asks the Council many questions about the future and what will become of all the North Masans without their Alfred.

    The Council tell Golu of their place in the Universe and what they can and can not do. Golu requests help fighting the Mashen threat yet to come and they tell him that he has all that he needs.

    Golu returns to South Mesa and signals his team and friends to gather where they will fight the Mashen.

    While Golu waits for the others to arrive, he is attacked by a powerful white skin Mashen in the company of another blue skin behind him.

    Golu manages to overpower the Mashen and uses the opportunity to convince the Mashen to stop attacking and join him, provided that Golu can protect him from the blue skin Mashen.

    Blaster, the white skin, agrees. Froster, the blue skin, threatens to kill them both.

    The Berik S arrive with Gororo's symbols before Froster can attack but Froster outsmarts them, making them fear him as he reveals his knowledge of the symbols' powers.

    Cage and Stager are the first to arrive, responding to Golu's signal, without Star and Stinky who have gone to enlist help from Sir George.

    Stager fights Froster, breaking Froster's artificial fingers. Cage tries to take Blaster to a safe place.

    Froster sees Cage and Blaster leaving so he quickly breaks Stager's neck, killing him, then fires an energy wave at Cage. Cage deflects the attack with a Rage Blast.

    The Berik S continue to fight but are losing until Noba shows himself and agrees to use the symbols to combine their powers into one.
