An Odd Thing About Words

There are words that we use in our lives for many different situations. Without knowing it, these words can convey a variety of meaning. It all depends on what the context of the sentence, in that it is being used. When we're asked to define these words, something very odd happens. We cling to a single definition. The word becomes synonymous with a single idea or message. It could be from the last time you used the word or how you use the word the most often.

I'm not sure if there really is a point to this. By talking about it, we ruin the experiment. You would have to ask people to define words without telling them why or giving away information about the anomaly. Ask someone to define the word "Day" and see if they think it's interchangeable with the idea of time or if they only think it means a 24 hour period.

There are lots of words in every language that this applies to. If you can think of words that fit this phenomenon, just let me know. If you're not yet convinced that we do this, keep reading and I'll describe the different ways we can use words like "Day" to express multiple thoughts.

Back in my day, the day of the dinosaurs, you've been here all day, I work 5 days a week, and the day of my birth are a few different ways to use the word. English is not the first language to have multiple definitions for a single world. While there are roughly 40,000 words in English, some languages have much less to choose from. You're bound to use start using words to describe more than one thing. The same can be said for the opposite, as many different words can be used to describe the same thing.

My World may be small but my World is so incredibly big. To a child, their whole World may be their parents and their home. Their life, their residence, their city, or even their country is a whole world to them. My world could be my art, my planet, my love, or even my faith. If I told you that someone was my whole world, you hopefully wouldn't think I was calling them fat. I would not being using the word "World" in terms of a planet.

I work in art. I work in a home. I draw in pencil. I have pencils in a box. I am, in a way, in possession of knowledge in the field of psychology. I am in a position to understand and learn about how we communicate in English as well as in other languages in terms of context. I'm not multilingual but human behavior is what it is in any language. I am made in the image. I'm not quick to define something when it is separated from the intent of the author or the subject.

This has been a long time in the work. Before I end it, I would like to leave you with one last thing to contemplate. Think very hard about how propaganda is used to change our views on daily issues by associating words to a specific set of characteristics. Words like "Drug" have been used to call things bad when the word itself is not defining something inherently bad. The word "God" is a title but how has it been used? When someone uses the word as a title, it comes across as offensive to those who use it as a name. People will change and adapt but they will also askew and appropriate.

Thank you for your time.
James D. Gray


  1. Well said. This made me think of the terms that Gen Z and the Alpha Generation are using. Other cultures have several definitions for words as well and really words are just titles that are given to something whether it be to describe a tangible item or a situation or emotion. I personally feel that each individual has their own slight definition of several words if not most and this is what can sometimes make communication difficult. So we use context to help interpret the definition in the way that is appropriate for the situation. Linguistics is such a fun thing to study! Great read!


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