Living a Bit of a Better Life (Part 5)

My name is James D. Gray.

I'll bring this thing back around to a normal format now. This next chapter summary is a very important one to me. It's about love. Not like lust, or sex, and not love for your family or God, but truly connecting with another person. This is also a very difficult subject to write about. I'll try to stay away from calling love just a chemical reaction because it is for sure much more than that. After taking a good hard look at all the science involved, then turning to look at why, you could easily see that there is much more involved here.

At first glance, when you're young, love has no explanation. It could appear as something simply skin deep. Love can seem expected or quick. There are times when you may think that you're in love with someone, despite all the things they do that irritate you, you can't stand, or respect. There is a point when being desperate or insecure can get in the way of finding love and you may be telling yourself that you love someone simply because they are there. I have fallen for this in my life more than once. I've thought I was in love either because someone said they loved me or because there were just enough things I liked about them. I loved them because they were there. This is not how I wanted to look at love. It wasn't true and I was not being true to myself.

There may be a need for self discovery. Who are you and what do you want? Do you want to be with someone for their appearance, social status, monetary value, talents, IQ, style, possessions, hobbies, family, friends, pets, occupation, strength, abs, hair, political stance, diet, height, age, education level, availability, goals, secrets, emotional stability or instability, body modifications including tattoos and piercings, creativity, hormone exchange, attention to detail or lack there of, readiness to cook or clean, or maybe your own insecurity that calls you back to needing their approval, or the need to hear those three little words "I Love You"? There are lots of reasons to be in love.

Love hurts. That is a perfect summary of what you get when you don't take the future into consideration. It's good to be patient and kind but not if that gets in the way of your own happiness forever. I want to be clear that I'm not tying to end your current relationships. You can always find a way to make a relationship work as long as it's not abusive. I want you to look at the idea a little more clearly the next time you are considering loving someone. The one you love should compliment you completely. They don't have to be a copy of you, unless that's what you both want. You should respect each other in the face of all issues that arise. There are no winners or losers in love. Though loving someone that does not love you back is acceptable, it isn't very helpful. Again there are lots of reasons to be in love.

Someone once told me that I don't need to be with them to be happy. I had a long time to think about this statement and I've discovered one big issue that I can't ignore. Our needs are simple and easily met. "I'm not dismissing the struggle of those who don't have their needs met" We need food and water as well as oxygen to breath. Some need shelter and all need a healthy body. These are things that people need to live. But are we to think, that with these needs met, we can be happy? What I want out of life is to be happy. To be happy, I want to love and be loved in return. Wants are part of life and love is a want. That doesn't make love any less important to life. This just means that love is not a need and needs are not as comparable as our language would suggest.

In the end, what all of this comes down to, is that you should be aware of what your future holds. It helps to know who you are and what you want. Knowing the difference between a fallacy and love could save you and someone else a great deal of hurt. Love can grow and improve us. It can give us direction and goals. It can set in motion a cycle of self discovery that will consume our lives and thoughts, creep into our subconscious and dreams, induce stress, create euphoria, inspire greater ambitions, and take over all that you are. I could set on slow or quick. It has no equal or pattern. When you're in love, you are no longer who you used to be.

If you're in love with someone that you can no longer be near your heart aches, you mind breaks, and all of those words of kindness seem to linger on when they may no longer need you. Of course, I'll give that one to The Beatles.

Thank you for your time. Love someone.
