Living a Bit of a Better Life (Final)

My name is James D. Gray.

For the final entry from my book, I want you to reflect on everything I've told you so far. Even though I poured my heart into every word, I still hold by one simple rule. "You don't know." You never really know anything and neither do I. If you read something, including this blog, or someone tells you something, there is still a chance that there is a greater truth out there. You shouldn't take anything at face value. The absolute best way to better your life is to study. Find a topic you like and study it.

If someone wants to talk about a subject and you know nothing about it, you can admit you don't know anything and listen to what they have to say. When they're done talking take the time to either research the information or choose not to repeat it. There is no need to spread false or half particulars. It's not about who thinks they know what. If you have learned something different in your life than what someone is telling you, there really is no need to argue with them. You're probably not going to change their minds.

When you break it all down, if you're not continuing to learn, then you're not bettering yourself. There may come a time very soon where you have to make a choice whether to listen or talk. If you talk, don't let what you say be the end of someone's learning. Let them know that they should study more from different sources. If you listen, take the time to study more from different sources. There is much to learn in this world if you wish to do so.

Thank you for all your time. Live a better life.
