My name-No no no no. That's not how I'm doing this one. What I have to say is too important and too simple of an idea to pander to you or even bother with writing it how it's going to be written in my book. The next chapter is titled "Don't Smoke"
This is a self defeating topic really. The more I say "Smoke" the more you think about doing it. That's wrong but there really is no other way to go about it. Our minds don't process negatives very well so the "Don't" part of that isn't comprehended as well. We all should know about trying not to think about the white horse or whatever. Can't be done unless you are given something else to think about. Anyway, I'm still going to do my best to help you understand that there are no positives here, only negatives. Everything about smoking is negative. There isn't a single good thing you could possibly name about it. Nothing.
I don't smoke and my genitals don't stink. You're probably thinking about that one right now. You may know someone who smokes, I'm not telling you to go sniff their crotch but you can probably guess that it's not very pleasant down there. Smoking causes that. And If you are the one that smokes, that's why you stink down as well. I say, as well, because the rest of you carries an odor too. It's on your clothes, hair, and in your mouth. It follows you everywhere and it's bad. Even if you don't care about cancer, though you should, you could at least care about second hand stink. You wouldn't want to deal with me smelling like really rank body odor all the time. You wouldn't want me standing outside of businesses with my year long, unwashed armpits exposed by front doors.
Enough about the smell, how about I give you a great comparison. In the USA it is illegal to commit suicide. Even if you know someone that is going to, or says that they are going to kill themselves, "You" by law, have to report it or you are just as liable. Real deal. This is why people have a hard time talking to others about it and why it happens to people that showed no signs. They were too afraid of getting put away for even feeling bad. Smoking is a suicide and murder equivalent. Sure it could only be as bad as stabbing someone with a toothpick constantly. It's gonna hurt and you might live for a while but, too much, and that person could die. The worst part really is just that it's legal. That and if you see someone smoking, there's almost nothing you can do. You can't call the cops and say you see someone trying to commit suicide and also committing either murder or manslaughter. You'd be thought of as a loon, even though that's what it is.
There is much more I can say about this but I'll include it in the book I'm working on. There is one more thing that I want to say on the subject. Stress. You're probably stressed right now, reading this. It's okay. Lots of things are stressful and cause stress. It's a big part of life. There are also a lot of different ways to escape or relieve stress. Smoking is NOT one of those things. You might think that it is, and you can argue with me all you want, but it won't make you right. Smoking causes stress. It is probably the biggest cause of stress in the world today. Yeah. I just said that. The addictive chemicals you get from smoking, cause your mind to crave them when you don't have them. When you're not smoking your mind tells you it wants you to smoke, and if you don't, it builds stress until you start again. The more you give in, the worse it gets. Smoking doesn't get rid of the stress, it prolongs it and pushes it back for a time when you're not smoking. Add that to the stress you may be already having in your life and "BAM!" you screwed up. Congratulations you backwards thinking, stubborn, homicidal, sociopath. Go home and think about your next move.
If you're still smoking after reading this it could be because I used the word "Smoke" a lot and now that's all you're thinking about. For that I am sorry. If you really want help, you can just think about something else the next time you get an urge to commit suicide by way of extremely dangerous, stinky toothpick stabbing. Twiddle your thumbs, read a book, call a friend, watch TV, grow a garden, start a family, write a blog, or just any one of a million things I'm sure that other people do instead of what you do.
You're welcome!
James D. Gray
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