Living a Bit of a Better Life (Part 2)

My name is James D. Gray

This next summarized entry is about the health of your body. The things I will briefly divulge to you can help motivate you to keep your circulatory system in good condition as well as your overall mental faculties. How we treat ourselves can change the way we feel in the morning, throughout the day, and while we sleep. Your health can even change your dreams and make them more relaxing and refreshing. This only works if you're willing to take what you read here and find out what works best for you. We're all different and our bodies will react differently to activity and food.

A good body could mean that waking up from sleep or rest is quick and easy. You could forgo a lot of aches and pains by stretching in the morning or before performing any extra activities that require exertion outside of your daily routine. Try to touch your toes, bend your knees, and extend your arms away from your waist. Get limber. When given the opportunity you should stand instead of sitting, walk instead of drive or more sitting, find 20 minutes every 3 days of the week to put in a hard workout. Sweating is good for you and your body too as you tend to excrete toxins while you do it. You may find that you feel better for longer and even in old age be able to move and bend more than most folks.

With a healthy and good body comes the start of a good mind. The mind reacts to how the body is feeling and if the body is full of toxins that are building up from all your sitting then your mind will suffer as well. Your reaction times will slow and your computing power will weaken. Being well energized is good for helping the brain take in information and continue to learn. The longer your brain is learning the less likely you are to lose your functionality in older age. Keeping active physically and mentally will help your energy move better through your body and give you the good feels day by day. Other people will also be able to feel your good energy and will react to you more positively.

Forget what the media says about self image and forget what your friends say about beauty. When it comes down to it, all that matters in that regard is how you feel about yourself. If your body and mind are feeling well and in a good state then you only have to appreciate what you are. If you don't like you, that can also be good because it means that you have something to work toward. Set a goal for how you might want to improve and work out how to achieve that goal. "People don't change, they become." Who do you want to become and how do you want to see yourself? A lot of people struggle with self image. Sometimes they think there is a public standard they have to live up to and sometimes they just can't accept, that they don't look a certain way or like a certain person. These thoughts can cloud your mind and hurt your ego. Try and be comfortable with yourself.

There are at the same time many things that are out of our control. Eating right can be expensive and we can't all afford that. Exercise can require time, space, and laundry that not everyone has. People can be limited in what they can do to improve their health. If not for our taste buds, we would eat spoiled or rotten foods or even poison ourselves daily. The same taste buds convince us to choose sweet sugary foods over bitter and bland foods. Even though we have this conflict there are also people that have a genetic aversion to bitter tastes. Some of the best foods for you can provoke the worst reactions while the worst foods for you can be the most desirable. It's only when you make the choice to look past the idea of sweet and crave strength, through picking the right food, that you can overcome your self destruction.

I have more to say, mostly about toxins we use on our bodies and spray into the air but writing about that would be most of the chapter. I just don't have the time to put it in here. I can say, that even though some products have been deemed safe by studies and organizations built on keep us in good health, this is considering that we are not using all these products together every day. A bit of shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, makeup, lotion, hair gel or spray, perfume, any type of medication you may be taking, and whatever else you decide to come in contact with can mean a lot when put together. Be clean but be moderate. Be kind and good, treat each other well, and remember to stay positive.

Thank you for your time. Again, if you want to read more about this you'll have to wait for my book.
