Introduction To Our Page

My name is James D. Gray. I have set up this page so that Haven and his friends, as well as other members of FCP, can talk about anything they want. They will cover topics that they almost certainly know nothing about and already think are terrible.

     "We talk about anything from Religion to why I hate Short Shorts" - Haven E. Lumin

We're thinking about posting a Podcast/Netcast every Sunday at some point during the day. So it could mostly likely be available every Monday to be safe. We're also considering recording "Omin Mesa Saga the Telling" and posting it every special 5th Sunday of the month before it's made into a YouTube video. Or maybe even the same time. I don't know.

It is quite possible that Haven and I will record a podcast/netcast together. But Haven will be using different voices and accents throughout the series. He's weird like that. I ,however, will just be talking as myself as much as I can. I have some pretty bad lung issues that I'll have to work around.

If you'd like to check out some of our other work, I'm sure we have a link or two in the tab on the right that will send you to some of our YouTube pages. It would really help us out if you watched some of those videos and subscribed to the channels. It's not great stuff, or it might be, but it took a lot of hard work and I'm sure you'll find something on there that you will like.

If you have an idea for what Haven and his friends should talk about or maybe do some actual research on to talk about it again, you can go to his Facebook Page and bother him there. He probably won't mind the suggestions. Maybe.

Our topics are all provided to us by Haven himself, a little bit from me, some of our guests, and listeners like you. Our background music was found on the internet when searching for royalty free music and surfing sites until we found one that didn't want us to create an account. That's where we found Funkyelement from Bensound. It sounds great and all they asked in return is that we credit them for the music.

While I'm in the typing mood, I would just like to mention how hard it is to set up and arrange a podcast/netcast. Very hard. Writing down a list of what to talk about was the easiest part. The next hardest part was setting up the page to post the content. After we found, that became quite easy. It's easy to use and to navigate. We are still trying to figure out how to link our AdSense account. *Update. Got that worked out* The almost hardest part was finding co-hosts for each podcast/netcast. Some people would rather not talk about particular things. Either because it would just take all day or because they just didn't care enough to learn anything about the subject. But the Coldplay song of all Hardest Parts was getting two different USB mics "That we already owned" (USB Rock Band Mic) (Logitech USB Headset Mic) to record simultaneously into one stereo track. Or just getting both of them recorded at the same time. The day we were about to give up and buy a mixer, we found out that Audacity can grab the stereo mix provided by our laptop that it sends to the headphones on the Logitech mic. And bam! We had everything we needed to start creating our Podcast/Netcast Platform.

Look for Finkelmistcomics Production (FCP) all over the place. Art, Fan Art, Music, Video, and now Podcasts "or whatever this is"

This is not a paid ad. I was just telling you about the products and devices that we used to make all this happen. That way if you ever decided to try this for yourself, you would have a bit of knowledge about how it can be done with existing equipment or very little money.

Thank you for reading this and for listening to the probably worthless half hour of Haven's.

                                                                                                                     James D. Gray
