Part 13 "Omin Mesa Saga the Telling"

    The Berik S and Noba combine as all 7 symbols join together into the symbol of Supreme Power. Their bodies form a creature known in legend as Vein'om.

    Froster is shocked at this new event, not knowing that it was even possible. Froster describes what he sees to try and understand what's happened.

    Vein attacks Froster using web-like appendages that spring forth from its body. It tosses Froster around while using energy blasts when Froster is constricted.

    Froster deduces the source of Vein's power and how to separate the creature from the symbol. He reaches in to Vein'om's chest with one hand and grasps its head with his other. Using Vein's head as an anchor, Froster rips the symbol and head from the body.

    Vein'om's head grabs the symbol and flies away, leaving the fused body behind.

    Froster lunges at Golu but his attack connects with a puff of smoke from Gorth's Shadow Arts instead.

    Star, Stinky, Gorth, and Botos fight Froster with haste and decisive force.

    Froster manages to hold Botos still while Star tries to get Golu to help them. Golu is unable to respond, petrified in terror.

    Froster tears Botos' arms off of his torso and turns to Stinky. Froster and Stinky talk about what Stinky is while Golu, in a moment of calm, tells Gorth to take Botos to a medical facility.

    Froster notices that Golu is too scared to fight so he stops attacking but makes a demand that Golu fights him one on one.

    Star and Stinky back up to Golu and ask him to try.

    Golu, after much taunting from Froster, relaxes and agrees to the challenge. They exchange a quick set of rules.

    Before Golu can even make his first move, Froster charges up an enormously powerful sphere of energy that would surly kill Golu...

    Suddenly "BAM!" Froster is struck by an Axe of Ice, freezing him in a solid chunk.

    Bishedo reveals himself to have a heart to heart with Golu about fear and courage.

    Bishedo leaves but no sooner does Froster break out of the ice and continue the attack only to be interrupted by Tyger Stripes, landing a devastating punch to Froster's face, killing him.

    Tyger also gives Golu some words of wisdom about being a leader.
