Participating in City Kings

You downloaded Crash Arena Turbo Stars and you want to play C.A.T.S. like a pro. One of the best ways to advance and have fun in this game is to join a Gang. Not a criminal group but group of other online players that also play the game. A gang can have a total of 25 members at a time. The Leader can kick members, rename the gang, or change the Prestige requirement for the gang. Everyone else in the gang is a member. Everyone in the gang can earn trophies from gang fights, chat with the gang, gather the gang with a call to action "That doesn't really do anything", and join City Kings. This mode does have a requirement so not every person on every gang can join in.

Gang fights are something you do on your own. Your three cars match up against another three cars. Some of the fights are unfair but that's for another blog. When you win a fight, if a round of City Kings is active, the Trophies you earn will help in that mode by adding free heals, replace opportunities, or scouts.
Remember to communicate with your gang to coordinate attacks. If you scout a building, you make all car on that building visible for one hour. If no one is on "for some reason" then the free scout is wasted. Typing in the chat tab is not as intuitive as it should be, so try and stay on top of what's going on.
Now, let's get down to what's really important. This is a City Kings round in District 6. The rival gang in this case, is a little ahead of us. There are two main types of buildings. There are buildings with as little as 3 spots for cars to over 21. Buildings will always have an odd number of spots to fill. Every minute that passes awards point to your gang for holding control of a building. If a building has a Chin Link next to its name, owning all buildings with that chain, will award double the points on those buildings.
Having control of a building means having cars from your gang on a majority of the spots on that building. If a building has 21 spots, then 11 cars are needed to have majority. Once you have majority, you should move on to the next building. ALWAYS go for the chain buildings first. If both chain buildings are under your gang's control, you can either hang tight or work on a new building.

When to hang tight.
1. Your gang is not as active as they could be.
2. You have majority "such as 11 of 21 spots of a building" of all chain buildings.
3. The rival gang is actively taking spots back from chain buildings and you have free cars.

When to move on to non chain buildings.
1. Most of your gang is participating in City Kings.
2. Your gang has majority of all chain buildings.
3. The rival gang has not been able to take the chain buildings from you.
4. Your gang is earning a lot of trophies from gang fights.

Why the chain buildings?
If your gang uses 11 cars to hold a chain building, every minute your gang will earn 21 points. If the other chain building also needs 11 cars for majority and you own it as well, every minute your gang will earn 42 points. 42 points for 22 cars. If you use 11 cars to control a non chain, your gang will earn 21 points and that won't get better. There are times when the buildings have much different numbers. If two chain buildings "one with 9 spots and a second with 5 spots" need 8 cars from your gang to control, you would earn more points owning both "28" than using 11 cars to earn 21 points.

If the rival gang is already ahead in points, there is no reason for them to give you ammunition. If you and the rival gang each own a building with the same point gain, and they have 1 more point than you, they have no insensitive to attack your cars "the only way to remove them from a building" so that you could repair them and use them to attack another building.

Sorry if the information devolves from here.

There is no reason to control all 21 spots on a building. It does nothing but make it harder to keep other buildings. As a last note, always attack the neutral cars first. Leave the rival gang cars alone if you can. Like I said, it just makes ammunition.

Stay Safe Out There Commonwealth
Haven Eudora Lumin
